
The Silent Drum is a home for the modern shaman.

My intention for the site is to have a dialogue about the power and influence of shamanism today and its place in our current place in time. The shamanic tradition, as old as it is, is even more prevalent now as more and more human beings are waking up to their true soul’s expression and experiencing healing through a variety of traditions, shamanism being one of them. Shamanic and energy healing are powerful modalities in the context of our current ideas of physical and emotional healing. From the work of plant medicines, shamanic practitioners, and through the shamanic journey, many clients have profound healing experiences and find themselves reborn or raised anew. They also find themselves asking the question: “where do I go from here?”. I asked these questions myself when I started my journey and was always in search of a way to integrate these experiences in ways that speak to me. It is my hope to bring this rich tradition to the forefront and explore as much of it as possible so that we can all learn from those who came before us, and leave a trail of wisdom for those who will come after

The Silent Drum is also shamanic and energy healing practice that was born out of a series of shamanic initiations and transformations I experienced beginning in 2018. Although my journey through the path started to take shape a few years prior, it is at this time that the spirits and energies that are to guide me through the shamanic path slowly came into my life in many forms and through many divine ways. As a conscious choice, or rather a guided decision to begin to explore the shamanic tradition, I set off to Portland, Oregon to begin what is to be an amazing journey into the world of shamanic healing, divination, and the shamanic journey. It is here, I feel, is where my true path in shamanism started and have met wonderful and talented teachers who continue to share the wisdom gleaned from many years of practice. Perhaps in other lifetimes as well, but I owe profound gratitude to my teachers in this life.

As a Reiki Master and a Shamanic Practitioner, my path as a healer and mystic has led me to gain a deeper understanding of the forces at work in our lives and it is my endeavor to harness these forces in order to help others realize their true selves and ultimate human potential.

Through various healing and visioning techniques, traditional Usui Reiki sessions as well as a myriad of tools in my medicine bag that I have learned from my helping allies along the way, I would like to give back to the stewards of non-ordinary reality, the gods and goddesses, the power animals and plant devas, by sharing these gifts and wisdom with you to the best of my abilities.

I hope you find what you are looking for in these pages.

May the Great Spirit bless you with the unconditional love the Earth so deserves.

Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin

Omar Paraiso